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Positive Behaviour

Pupils behave well, and they take pride in being positive role models to others. For example, older pupils are proud to be chosen to support younger pupils as ‘playground mentors’.

Ofsted Report, 2023

Macaulay is a church school, wherein we strive to nurture a family atmosphere. At the very heart of all we do, are our shared Christian values.

These values help build an enabling environment, foster positive relationships and guide us towards our goals. They are:













We recognise that every child has the right to learn and develop to the best of their ability in a safe, supportive environment, and that they are entitled to trust that this right is respected by the whole school community.

The value of forgiveness colours the way in which conduct is managed to guarantee exemplary behaviour and caring relationships.

SIAMS, July 2014  

We believe in positive reinforcement, praise and encouragement, and recognise that by focusing on positive behaviour, we marginalise that which is unacceptable. Doing the right thing then becomes the more natural way to behave.


Our Rights and Responsibilities as Pupils of Macaulay CE Primary School


We have the right to... Our responsibilities as pupils of Macaulay are to:
... be safe
  • care for ourselves and each other
  • move safely and responsibly around the school
  • be responsible for our own actions
... respect
  • have self-respect
  • be tolerant and respectful of others
  • respect others' personal space and property
  • be kind, considerate and well mannered
  • understand that we all have differing needs
… education
  • try our best
  • respect the rights of others to learn
  • co-operate with others
  • take responsibility for our learning
… play
  • play fairly and let other people enjoy their time
  • play safely and responsibly
  • share and take turns

… peace and reflection

  • show respect for quiet times and places
  • learn how to relax and be peaceful
  • take time to think about our actions

… be listened to and have our opinions heard

  • listen carefully
  • let other people listen
  • be truthful
  • respect each other's opinions, views and beliefs
  • be polite and reasonable
…be happy
  • be a good friend
  • show forgiveness
  • know where to go for help
  • do what we can to help others


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